Thursday, 19 March 2020

CV-19 | Day 1 - Working from home

Well.  This is a bit of a retrospective post because so much has happened since the CV-19 outbreak started making its way into the UK and becoming part of our lives. Up until now it's been something happening overseas - very sad, but nothing to do with us.  Once it landed on our shores then things started to become more real.

Amelia developed a bit of a cold so we wanted to keep her out of nursery until it was over. So I decided to stay at home Thursday and Friday (19th and 20th) - little did I know that it'd my last day in the office (possibly for quite some time!!)

I got my laptop and two monitors setup, keyboard mouse and docking station. With the addition of two headsets (one paired to my phone, one paired to my laptop), and a webcam on my monitor.

I have found working from home full-time stressful, I don't take breaks or chat with people as much as I do in the office so I'm at my desk way more than normal.  Also my role means that I have to support the internet and internal network connections so it's quite a stressful job when everyone is battering them!

It has been filled with lovely things.  I have spent more time with Amelia, she's 4 going on 14 - she has got a fiery temper but she does love life too. We've had a few nice meals from restaurants that can't service on premise so deliver.  I am just looking forward to it all being over though.

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CV-19 | Day 1 - Working from home